What is Web98?
Web98 is the website version of Windows 98 OS, built just for the nostalgia of '90s and Y2K era. This is the lite version of Web98 with limited applications and things to do, which is made purely on HTML and CSS only (a bit of JS for current time display). Full version of Web98 is coming soon! For the source code of Web98Lite, you can click here.
Why can't I move windows?
Although CSS lets you do quite a lot of things, unfortunately drag and drop is not one of them. To enable drag and drop on this version of windows, please learn Javascript first, and then write the necessary scripts to add drag and drop.
What's the use of this?
Welp. This is just a passtime project I tried to make, which is inspired by this website. You can just do the same, which is pass the time to relive the nostalgia of Win98, bite-sized. Sooner or later, I will also make the whole version where you can listen to music and play more games than just minesweeper. :P
Why can't I change wallpaper like the good 'ol Windows 98?
Same reason as the second question. We need JS to make it do things like that. Don't worry though, in the full version of Web98, I'll add that feature fs! Stay tuned. :)
Who made Web98?
om made Web98, inspired by Windows 98 theme.
"I am currently working on making full version of Web98, which will be releasing soon :)", says om (the dev) calmly.